Arizona for Better Medicaid Sends Letter Supporting AHCCCS

Arizona for Better Medicaid sent a letter to the Arizona Senate Health and Human Services and House Health and Human Services Joint Committee of Reference in support of AHCCCS, particularly for its role in successfully administering Medicaid Managed Care.

January 12, 2023

Dear Chair Montenegro and Vice Chair Parker,

As you prepare for the January 12 Committee of Reference hearing on the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS), we write to express our strong support for the agency’s continuation, which is an essential component to the Arizona health care landscape and the broader economy.

Arizona for Better Medicaid is a multi-stakeholder group of health care leaders, providers, health plans and others committed to building a better care delivery system that improves access, quality, outcomes, and affordability. We support a managed care – or fully integrated health plan option - for people with an intellectual or developmental disability, or I/DD.  We believe that AHCCCS has done a remarkable job managing physical healthcare and behavioral care for Arizona’s most vulnerable population.  

AHCCCS is nationally recognized for innovation and outstanding performance. The agency was the first to administer a Medicaid program through private sector health plans, not a government bureaucracy, and to shift to paying for value over volume.   

As you consider the performance audit and sunset review of AHCCCS produced by the Arizona Auditor General, know that the broader Arizona health care community has tremendous confidence in the agency’s ability to address any findings and to adopt any reforms that might be necessary to enhance program performance.  AHCCCS has been committed to making the changes necessary to maximize efficiency and professionalism. 

We believe that AHCCCS’ performance and its nationally recognized commitment to innovation and integrative care warrant a continuation recommendation from the Committee of Reference. We thank you for your consideration and would welcome the opportunity to discuss the importance of AHCCCS with you should you have any questions.


Arizona for Better Medicaid Coalition